This year, the opti 2023 traditionally took place in January in Munich and of course the Aalen University was represented there. Due to the absence of various large companies, the opti was a bit smaller than usual, but nothing has changed in terms of the large number of visitors and interested people at the Aalen University stand. From the start …
We are 60!
On Friday, the 11th November 2022 at 11:11 a.m. started the big celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the Dipl.-Ing. (FH)/Bachelor degree in Optometry and 20 years of the Master degree in Vision Science and Business (Optometry) at Aalen University. As part of this anniversary, a great symposium about the future of optometry took place in the main auditorium of …
Congratulations to all of our graduates!
Congratulations to all of our graduates this year! Our former students have had a few semesters with many smaller and larger challenges, but thanks to great personal commitment and driven by the constant motivation to bring their own knowledge to a new level, all tasks and teaching content have been mastered brilliantly. Their own repertoire has been continuously growing with …
15th Karl Amon Optometry Award presented
For the 15th time in a row, the Karl Amon Optometry Award, endowed with €2,000, was presented at Aalen University. In this year the coveted price goes to Jessica Gruhl and Maximilian Aricochi. The two best-in-class 2022 of the extra occupational master program Vision Science and Business (Optometry) received the award for outstanding scientific work with high practical benefit for …
The schedule for the academic year 2023/2024 is published
The master “M.Sc. Vision Science and Business (Optometry)” offers the unique oppurtunity to choose your classes, which gives you the possibility to focus on your main field of interest. Profit now from the experiences and the knowledge of many, international approved professors and teachers and bring your career to a new level! Study in a small group with other motivated …
Klein, aber fein und vor allem auch international
15 Masterstudierende aus sieben Ländern starten ins neue Studienjahr Ende Juli startete der Masterstudiengang Vision Science and Business (Optometry) zum 21. Mal an der Hochschule Aalen in ein neues Studienjahr. Prof. Dr. Anna Nagl freute sich, die neuen Studierenden begrüßen zu dürfen und betonte noch einmal die internationale und vor allen Dingen fachlich kompetente Ausrichtung dieses berufsbegleitenden Optometrie-Studiums an der …
Bring your career to a new level by further education
Perfect for further education: The 13th episode of the podcast from and for the opticians and optometrists at the Aalen University has been published and we are presenting the Master’s degree Vision Science and Business (Optometry). Guests in the studio are the students Stefanie Müller and Angelina Di Benedetto, the graduate and lecturer Michael Wyss and the Dean of Studies …
World-renowned experts in optometry will give lectures on July 2nd and 3rd, 2022 in Benediktbeuern
The Aalen Friends of Optometry e.V. surpassed itself with the outstanding program for the Alumni-Event in Benediktbeuern at the first July-weekend 2022. The program is full of top-class professors from the USA and Germany. Prof. Diane Adamczyk from the State University of New York, expert on the study-field “Ocular Pharmacology” will present her latest results. Prof. Hannu Laukkanen and Prof. …
Big Oktoberfest at the Alumni-Event in Benediktbeuern
Dear Alumni, this year we can finally celebrate the event together again! Where? Alumni-event in Benediktbeuern When? On Saturday, the 02.07.2022 Dress code: Dirndl and Lederhosen are welcome! In order to provide enough food an drinks, all participating alumni are kindly asked to transfer 40.00 € to the following bank account until the 28.06.2022 IBAN: DE45 3606 0591 0002 1025 …
Die Hochschule Aalen auf der opti 2022
Diesen Mai ist es endlich wieder so weit! Die opti findet 2022 wieder vom 13.05. bis zum 15.05. statt und tausende Personen mit einem Bezug zur Augenoptik und Optometrie werden wieder in München persönlich Lange war es unklar, ob die opti 2022 überhaupt stattfindet, nachdem der ursprüngliche Termin im Januar pandemiebedingt abgesagt worden ist. Glücklicherweise konnte ein Ersatztermin im Mai …
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