Continuing Optometric Education 2024

On the last weekend of September, the Aalen Friends of Optometry invite you to the next Continuing Optometric Education. There, among others, US professors Bina Patel, Thom Freddo, and Hannu Laukkanen will share their latest scientific findings. The chairman of the alumni association, Georg Scheuerer, has also succeeded in securing the highly renowned ophthalmologist Prof. Dr. Thomas Neuhann from Munich, as well as researcher Dr. Christina Schwarz from the University of Tübingen’s Research Institute for Ophthalmology, along with further optometrists from Germany and other European countries as speakers. A special highlight of this conference will certainly be the “get together party” on Saturday evening, organised by the freshly graduated alumni.

Although the Benediktbeuern hotel capacity in the event location is already booked up, there are still accommodations available in the surrounding area, and there is also space available in the Don Bosco event hall. Therefore, you are welcome to register at